EPISODE 166 - Taking Care Of Business, Ewing Style

Previously on DALLAS....

-----------Rushed into surgery, Krystina gave birth to a baby girl via cesarean.  She and John Ross named their daughter Eleanor Blake Ewing.

-----------After another confrontation about Katherine and the letters she'd been receiving, Ann told Jimmy to move off Southfork.

-----------Following Tripp's threat, Justin ended his relationship with a confused Pamela.  Later, Pamela accused John Ross for being the reason for the breakup.

-----------Dylan was released from the hospital and Ray, Donna, and Conner took him to the Barbara Davis Hagman rehab Center in Fort Worth to get treatment for his alcohol addiction.  

-----------Alex's headaches continued.

-----------John Ross promised Justin he would take care of Tripp McKay for him.

-----------Making an attempt at repairing their relationship, Justin offered to let Jimmy stay with him at his ranch, and Jimmy accepted the offer.

-----------After Bobby became depressed on the day of what would have been his and Pam's 40th anniversary of their first wedding, Ann gave him a surprise dinner at Southfork with the family, and everyone reminisced about the past.

Early afternoon....


As Lucas, Heather, Justin, Jimmy, and several other people, including a young man with a film camera look on, Michael picks up his guitar and begins to play and sing, as Justin's cameraman begins to record....

"That was incredible,"  Justin says, turning to Lucas and Heather after Michael has finished.  "That kid has one hell of a talent."


Lucas smiles.  "Of course.  He takes after his father."


"Hey, now.  I think I had a little somethin' to do with that, too,"  says Heather.


"Michael definitely inherited his looks from you, sweetheart,"  Lucas says, kissing his wife.  "But he got his talent from me.  I've heard you sing."


"Very funny, Ewing,"  Heather says as Michael walks over to them.


"Well, Justin, how'd I do?"  The boy asks.


"Buddy, you did GREAT,"  Justin replied.  "In fact, I would say that was perfect, right, Darrin?"


"Got it on the first take," Justin's cameraman replies.


"That's awesome," Michael says, his voice laced with excitement.  "Hey, Justin, why wasn't Pamela here?  She wasn't in the studio the other day, either.  Where is she?"


Lucas and Heather looking at Justin with sympathy as they can tell their son's question has saddened him.  .  "Pamela......well, she took some time off.  She isn't gonna be around Ewing Records for a while,"  Justin replies.   


"Oh, dang, that sucks,"  Michael says.  "Well, I guess I'll see her when you bring her over to Southfork."


"Michael, sweety, why don't you and I go to the kitchen and grab some milk and a piece of that chocolate cake Justin said he had in his fridge?"  Heather asks her son.  "If that's okay with him."


"Of course, help yourself,"  says Justin.


Heather looks at her husband, then she and Michael leave them and go into Justin's house.  


"I'm sorry about that,"  Lucas says.  "Heather and I haven't told him that you and Pamela aren't together anymore, and that she left Ewing Records."


"It's okay."  


"You wanna tell me about it?  It's obvious from the look on your face that you miss her a whole lot."


"I do,"  says Justin.  "More'n I can say."


"Then why'd you do it?"  Lucas asks.  "John Ross swore he had nothin' to do with your breakup.  So what happened?"


"If it's all the same to you, cuz, I'd rather not talk about it."


"Okay, fair enough.  I'm just concerned about ya, that's all.  It's obvious that, despite the opposition you both got, you loved her very much."


"Sometimes, when ya love someone, Lucas, you have to do what's best for them.  And this was best for Pamela,"  Justin says, then turns and walks away, leaving Lucas even more curious as to why his cousin ended his relationship with Pamela.

Dallas Athletic Club....

 Tripp is engaging in a hard game of solo racquetball at the Dallas Athletic Club that afternoon, working up quite a sweat as he works off some frustrations and anger.  After several minutes of going as hard as he can, Tripp has finally worn himself out.  Out of breath and drenched with sweat, he walks over to a corner of the racquetball court, where he reaches into his gym bag and pulls out a towel.  He wipes his face, then places his racquet into his bag.  Taking a moment to catch his breath, Tripp picks up his bag and leaves the enclosed court.  As he walks out, 

 Tripp is stunned when he again sees the young man who is the spitting image of his brother Hunter, down the hall.  The man is coming out of the gym and turns down another hall.  Tripp immediately takes off after him, but by the time he turns the corridor to the other hall, the young man is gone.  At the end of the long hallway, Tripp sees a door leading outside closing.  





The young man has exited the building.  Tripp sprints as fast as he can down the hall and out the door, but by the time he gets there, the young man is getting into his car across the parking lot.  "HEY!"  Tripp shouts to him.  "HEY, WAIT!"  But the car pulls out of the parking lot and 

drives away......the same sports car he had seen the man driving the first time.  Tripp watches as the car drives away.  "Damn it!"  He says in frustration.  


At Southfork, Christopher is playing a game of basketball with Jacob as Lucas's car drives up and comes to a stop.  "Hey, they're back,"  Christopher says.  "Jacob, let's go see how Michael's video went."  As Christopher walks over to 

 Lucas's car to meet them, Jacob looks on with an angry expression, not really interested in hearing about Michael's music video.  


"Hey," Christopher says, Lucas, Heather, and Michael getting out of the car.  "How'd it go?"


"Went great,"  Michael replies, excitedly.  


"Sure did,"  says Lucas.  "They recorded the video in one take, and Justin couldn't stop praising my son's talent."


Christopher smiles.  "Well, congratulations, buddy.  You two wanna join Jacob and I for a game?"


"Yeah, just let us go upstairs and change clothes and we'll be right back down,"  Lucas says.  


"You bet,"  Christopher says as Lucas and his family head to the house.  He walks over to his stepson.  "Well, Jacob, you ready to show those two up on the court?"


"I don't wanna play anymore,"  the boy says.


"What?  How come?"

"I just don't,"  Jacob says.  The boy tosses the basketball to the ground, then turns and walks away toward the stables

as a worried Christopher watches him, unsure of whether he should go after the boy, or let Jacob have some time to himself.

A pond at Southfork....

 Meanwhile, Alex and Bridget are on a dock at one of Southfork's many ponds, Bridget seated with her feet in the water while Alex's head lays in her lap, the two teenagers enjoying the quiet solitude of the ranch, and each others' company.  "This has been SUCH a perfect day,"  Bridget says.  "I really love Saturdays, especially when the weather is nice like this.  In Bay City right now, it's still snowing.  But here in Texas it's like 78 degrees."


"Spring is in the air for sure,"  Alex says.


"So is love,"  Bridget says, leaning down to kiss him.  Alex raises his head to meet her half way.  After a kiss, Alex sits

 up next to Bridget and looks into her eyes.  


"It really has been a perfect day, hasn't it?"  Alex asks.  "Perfect, because I spent it with YOU."


"Y'know, senior prom is coming up in a couple of weeks, and........you haven't asked me."


Alex smiles.  "What?"


"You heard me.  You haven't asked me to prom yet."


"I didn't think I had to.  I just naturally assumed since you're my girlfriend, that you'd be going with me."


"You assume too much, Mr. Walton,"  Bridget says.


"Okay, so ARE you goin' to the prom with me, or what?"  


"Now is that any way to ask a girl?"


Alex smiles.  "Bridget McKinnon, WILL you be my date for the 2018 Braddock County High School senior prom?"


"Why, yes, Alexander Walton, I would be honored,"  Bridget says, leaning over and kissing him.


"Now what was the point of goin' through all that?"  Alex asks.


"Just to teach you a lesson about females.  A girl likes to be asked, and for a guy not to just assume she's gonna be his date."




"You, Alex, are clearly a typical male.  You have a lot to learn about the opposite sex."


Alex looks at her and smiles softly.  "Well, with you as my teacher, I'll be a master of the opposite sex on no time," he says, then kisses her again.  After a few moments, he pulls out of the kiss.  "Hey, you ready to go?  There's still a few more places I wanna show you on Southfork."


"Ready when you are.  But I can't believe we still haven't seen this whole place yet."


"Southfork is a BIG ranch,"  Alex says, standing to his feet.  He holds out his hand and helpd Bridget up.  As he does so, he is suddenly stricken with a terrible pain in his head.  "Ahhhh," he moans out.


"Alex, what's wrong?  Are you okay?"  Bridget asks.


"My head.  It hurts."


"I thought those headaches had gotten better."


"They kinda had, for a while.  This one's bad."


"Okay, come on.  Let's get you back to the house,"  Bridget says.  The two walk over to the four wheeler parked near the pond.  "I'll drive, you get on back."


"Can you drive one of these?"  Alex asks.


Bridget looks at him.  "Alex, yes, I know how to drive a four wheeler, now get on."  They get onto the four wheeler, Bridget in front to drive and Alex sitting behind her.  "I'll take it real easy because of your headache," Bridget says.  She starts the vehicle, and the two head off across the prairie back toward the house.

The Barbara Davis Hagman Center, Fort Worth....

Ray, Donna, and Conner are sitting in a waiting room at the Barbara Davis Hagman Center for alcohol and drug addiction.  All three are silent as they wait for Dylan to come in for their first visitation with him since he was brought here.  Finally, after they've been waiting for almost ten minutes, Dylan enters the room.  He looks at them for a moment, then walks over and takes a seat.


"Hello, Dylan,"  says Donna.  


"Dylan,"  Ray says.




"How do you feel?"  Conner asks.


"How do you think I feel?"  Dylan snaps.  "When my family abandoned me at this place."


"Dylan, we didn't........we didn't abandon you," says Conner.  "We brought you here for you own good."


"You mean to get rid of me."


Ray and Donna exchange worried looks.  "Dylan, I know it may not seem like it right now, but, this really IS for your own good.  So you can get well,"  Donna says.  


"Dylan, look at it this way, bud,"  Ray says.  "Y'know, after the last couple years of workin' your tail off at the ranch, this is kinda like a vacation.  This is a real nice place.  The grounds look real pretty and peaceful.  Ya have plenty of time to relax here."


"I just wanna come home,"  Dylan says, fighting back tears.


"And you will,"  Donna says, reaching over to take the young man by the hand.  "You'll be home in no time."



Dylan looks at the three, then lowers his head, an expression of sadness on his face.  Conner watches his brother, feelings of both relief and sadness filling his own heart........relief because he knows that here Dylan is safe, and can't hurt himself or anyone else, and sadness because he knows that his brother feels betrayed and abandoned.





Southfork....that evening....


Alex is laying on his bed that evening looking up at the ceiling, a warm cloth across his forehead, when a knock sounds at his door.  John Ross walks in.  


"Hey,"  John Ross says.  "Krystina said you had another one of those headaches today."


"Yeah, while Bridget and I were out on the ranch."


"Better now?"


"A little."

"Y'know, those headaches have been goin' on for too long," John Ross says.  "I think it's time we had 'em checked out to see what's goin' on."


"John Ross, I'm fine,"  says Alex, sitting up on the bed.  "Look, the headaches don't come as often as they did when I first came home from the hospital."


"But it could be somethin' caused from the accident.  I really think you should have some X-rays or somethin'."


"I don't need any X-rays.  I'll be fine.  Really.  The headache is almost gone now, and the doctor DID say I could expect some headaches for a while."


"Alright, look, I'll make a deal with you,"  says John Ross.  "If the headaches get worse, or you start havin' 'em more often, you let me know, and we get you back to the doctor.  Deal?"


"Deal,"  Alex replies, nodding.  


"Good.  Damn that Conner Ewing.  I could kill that little bastard for causin' that accident."


"John Ross, don't blame Conner.  It was an ACCIDENT."


"Yeah, an accident HE caused while he was messin' with his damned cell phone."


"Like you've never texted while driving before,"  Alex says.  "Everybody has."


"But everybody hasn't caused an accident that almost killed my son.  Nobody does that and gets away with it, and when Conner Ewing goes to court, I'm gonna make sure he's punished."


"Okay, whatever makes ya happy."


"Well, it's almost dinner time, and you, me, Krystina, and Little John are goin' out to dinner, so go get a shower and start gettin' ready.  Why don't you call Bridget and see if she wants to meet us at Perry's?"


"John Ross, umm, if it's okay, I'm not gonna go."


"How come?"


"I didn't sleep very well last night, and I'm just beat.  But, I also have this book I have to finish reading for literature class before Monday.  So, I think I'll just grab a bite from the kitchen and crawl into bed and finish my book."


"Son, you sure you're alright?"  John Ross asks.


"Yeah, I'm fine.  Just not lookin' forward to reading the rest of this book."






"Well, boring or not, get it done,"  John Ross says.  "Sure you won't change your mind and come with us?"


"Nah, but thanks,"  says Alex.


"Okay.  Get that book finished."


"I will."


John Ross nods at his son, then leaves, closing the door behind him.  After he's gone, a look of pain and worry  

comes over the boy's face as he places his hand on his head.  Alex is obviously still in a great deal of pain from his headache.















Tripp McKay's apartment....the next day....

 Tripp walks into his spacious living room to answer his ringing doorbell.  He opens the door to his private investigator friend, Jake.  "Hope you have some good news for me,"  he says as Jake walks in.


"I wish I did, but......."


"I don't want any 'buts', Jake,"  Tripp says.  "It's been weeks since I hired you to find this guy who looks so much like Hunter, and so far you've come up with nothing!"


"It's not for lack of tryin', Tripp."


"Then try harder."


"The car was registered to Hunter C. McKay.  But the address on file at the DMV for this Hunter C. McKay, was an apartment building in Irving, and when I checked, there was no Hunter C. McKay living there."


"So whoever this guy is, he used a fake address,"  says Tripp.


"Obviously, yes."


"I want this guy found.  Whoever the hell he is."


"You've seen him again, haven't you?"  Jake asks.



"I saw him yesterday," Tripp says.  "I had just finished a game of racquetball, and as I was leaving, there he was, down the hall.  I took off after him, but he was gone.  By the time I got to the end of the hall and outside, he was driving away, just like the first time I saw him at the restaurant.  Every damned time I see him, he's gone before I can get to him.  Is it possible, Jake?  Could my twin brother be alive?"


"Tripp, you saw Hunter's body yourself,"  Jake says.  "People don't come back from the dead, no matter how much we want them to."


"Then how is this possible that I keep seeing this guy who looks exactly like Hunter, and he has the same name.  Even Hunter's signature on that contract he signed with the car dealership.  Jake, I know my brother's signature."


Jake walks over to his friend.  "You're right.  I had a handwriting expert compare the signature on the contract to Hunter's signature, and the two match.  Perfectly."


"So you still think I'm crazy?"  Tripp asks.


"No, I don't think you're crazy.  But I do think that someone is messing with you."


Tripp looks at Jake.  "Messing with me?"


"Someone is obviously going to a LOT of trouble to make you THINK your brother is alive.  Complete to having some guy who looks enough like Hunter to fool you.  Now who would do that to you?  Who would have reason to gaslight you?"


Tripp walks to the window and looks out over the city.  A look of anger comes over his face, then he turns back to Jake.  "Only one person I know.........John Ross Ewing."


"John Ross Ewing?  Why?"  Jake asks.


"Ewing and I are.......well, let's just say that if I died tomorrow John Ross would throw a party tomorrow night, and I'd sure as hell celebrate if he were out of my life for good."


"I thought that old feud between the Ewings and the McKays had ended a long time ago."


"It'll never end,"  Tripp.  "Especially between me and John Ross.  Not until one of us is finally out of the way permanently.  Jake, I want you to put Ewing under surveillance.  I wanna know every place John Ross goes, and everyone he talks to.  And, keep trying to find this man pretending to be my brother.  Soon as you find him, bring him to me, any way you have to."


"You want me to kidnap the guy?"


"Whatever it takes,"  Tripp says.  "Now get out of here and go do your job."


Jake nods, then walks to the door.


"Jake,"  Tripp says to him.  Jake turns back to face him.  "Find this guy, and prove that Ewing is behind this."


Jakes nods to him again, and then leaves.  After his friend is gone, Tripp walks over to a table and picks up a photo. He looks at the framed photo for several seconds, the expression on his face growing angrier and angrier, until finally he throws the photo across the room, smashing it against the wall.



 John Ross walks into the foyer at Southfork that afternoon as Krystina comes down the stairs carrying baby Ellie.  "Hey, where are my two favorite girls goin'?"  He asks.


"I was just gonna take Ellie out on the patio for some fresh air.  It's such a nice day.  Little cloudy, but nice and warm.  Where have you been?"


John Ross smiles..  "I got a surprise.  But first, is Alex here?"


"Yeah, he and Bridget are up in his room watching a movie."


"Watchin' a movie?  If he's my son, I guarantee that's not the only thing those two are doin',"  John Ross says.


Krystina laughs.  "I just checked on them.  They're behaving themselves.  Sort of."


"Honey, you just wait right here."


"Well, where are you going?"


"Up to get Alex.  Be right back.  And, don't go outside just yet,"  John Ross says, heading upstairs.  


In Alex's room, he and Bridget are cuddling on the floor in front of his bed as they watch a movie on his TV when John Ross knocks on the door.  "Come in,"  Alex says.


John Ross walks into the room with a smile.  "Hey, I need you two to come outside with me.  Now."


"Mr. Ewing, we weren't doing anything,"  Bridget says.


"Darlin', I wouldn't care if you were, long as my son uses protection.  But come on."


"John Ross, what's up?"  Alex asks.


"Don't ask any questions, just get on your feet and get your butt out back.  Come on."


Alex and Bridget exchange looks of bewilderment, then get up and follow John Ross out of the room.  A couple of minutes later, John Ross comes out of the house and onto the patio, followed by Krystina, Alex, and Bridget, all of whom have their eyes closed on John Ross's instructions.  


"John Ross, won't you tell us what this is all about?"  Krystina asks.


"In a minute, darlin', we're almost there,"  he replies, leading his wife, his son, and Bridget.  A smiling Sue Ellen is standing on the parking area waiting for them.  "Okay, now, open your eyes,"  John Ross tells them.  


All three open their eyes, and in front of them they see a new vehicle, a 2018 Ford Escape, parked.

 "John Ross, what's this?"  Krystina asks.


"What does it look like?  It's a brand new, 2018 Ford Escape........and it's Alex's."


"What?"  The boy asks in shock.  "That.......it's MINE?"


"Damn right,"  John Ross says, tossing his son the keys.  


"John Ross asked me to go with him to pick up the car, and then drive his car back to Southfork,"  Sue Ellens says.


"Oh my God, Alex, it's beautiful,"  says Bridget.


"Yeah, it is.  I......I can't believe it.  John Ross, you........you bought this for me?"  Alex asks.


"Well, your other car got totalled in the accident, and you needed a vehicle, so......"


"John Ross, I don't even know what to say."


"You don't have to say anything.  Like I said, you needed a new vehicle, and I was tired of you always borrowin' my car or Krystina's car.  Now ya don't have to."


Alex is overcome with joy.  "Thank you, Dad," he says, embracing John Ross.  


"Dad?"  John Ross asks.  "That's the first time you ever called me that."


Alex looks at him.  "Well, you ARE my Dad.  Figured it was about time I started calling you Dad."


"Well, I like the sound of that."


"Hey, take me for a spin?"  Bridget asks.


"Sure.  It's insured, right?"  Alex asks.


"Now do you think I would really buy you a $25,000 car and bring it home with no insurance?  Go on.  Take it for a spin, but, there's a few ground rules you're gonna have to abide by, or else the car gets taken back.  Understand?"




"Okay, first, you keep that thing at or under the speed limit,"  says John Ross.  "Second, you pay close attention to what you're doin' at all times.  Third, no textin' and drivin', in fact, NO foolin' with that cell phone of yours AT ALL while you're operatin' this car."


"I'm 18, ya know, I've had a license for over two years now, and a car before this one."


"I know that, but I'm just remindin' you that the same rules apply to THIS car as they did your old one."


"Come on,"  Alex says to Bridget.  "We'll take it down Braddock Road, and then drive into Dallas and show it to Shawn."


"Alex, if you're going into Dallas, how about giving me a ride home?"  Sue Ellen.


"Sure, Grandma.  We'll be back in a few,"  Alex says.  He and Bridget get into the Escape.  John Ross, Krystina, and Sue Ellen watch as they drive away.  


John Ross turns to Krystina.  "Well, what do you think?"


"I think you have a teenage boy in hog heaven.  But, why didn't you tell me you were gonna do this?"


"I wanted it to be a surprise."


"Even from me?"


"You were surprised, weren't ya?"  John Ross asks.  


"Yes, very."


"And did you hear him?  The boy called me Dad for the first time.  Damn that felt good."


"Krystina, I'd like to see my granddaughter,"  Sue Ellen says.  


"Of course, she's in the house with Maria."


Sue Ellen smiles, then heads to the house.  


"Krystina, you got a problem with me buyin' my son a new car?"  John Ross asks his wife.  "Because you don't seem too happy about it."


"No, I just.......I just wish you'd let me in on the surprise.  You told your mother, but not me."


"Sweetheart, I am sorry about that."


"It's fine.  I guess I'm just being silly."


"Course you are."  John Ross puts his arms around her.  "But I love it when you're silly,"  He says, kissing her.

A park in Fort Worth.....afternoon....

 Janice is waiting in Foster Park in Fort Worth that afternoon when she sees Tripp approaching her.  "Janice," he 




"Why on Earth did you wanna meet here, all the way in Forth Worth?"  Janice asks.


"Because it's Sunday, and I couldn't take a chance of us being seen together by any of the Ewings.  I figured this was the safest place."


"I could've come to your apartment."






 "That's probably not even safe anymore,"  Tripp says.  "John Ross had my apartment bugged once before, and he may have again.  I won't take any chances that could blow my plans out of the water."


"Okay, so why'd you wanna meet?"  Janice asks.  "It sounded urgent."


"It is.  Do you know if John Ross has been meeting with anyone new?"




"Anyone.  You arrange all his appointments, don't you?"


"Most.  But sometimes John Ross arranges his own.  Especially the ones he doesn't want Bobby or the others to know about."


"I need you to find out for me,"  Tripp says.


"Find out what?"  


"Who John Ross is meeting with.  I wanna know everything he does, and everyone he sees."


"Just how am I supposed to go about finding that out?"  Janice asks.  "If John Ross sets up a meeting with someone he doesn't want his mother, his uncle, or his cousin to know about, then how do you expect me to find out?"


"That's your problem, Janice,"  Tripp says.  "I've been paying you very generously for your services, and if you don't want those payments to stop, then you'll find out what I wanna know."


"Alright, I'll do my best,"  Janice says.


              "I don't want your best, Janice,"  says Tripp.  "I want results.  Just get it done, or WE'RE done.  I expect to hear from you by mid-week."  Tripp turns and walks away from her, leaving Janice angry as she watches him go.

Southfork....the next morning....

 Early the next morning, Courtney drives  out to one of the barns on Southfork and comes to a stop.  Getting out of her car, she walks up to the barn and approaches one of the ranch hands.  


"Mornin', Mrs. Ewing,"  the young man says.  


"Good morning, Travis,"  says Courtney.  "Have you seen my son Jacob this morning?"


"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I did see Jacob.  I think he's over in the barn."


"Thank you."


"Yes, ma'am.  You have a nice day, Mrs. Ewing."


"Thanks, Travis, you, too."  Courtney makes her way to the barn and goes in.  Walking past the stalls where some of the ranch's horses are kept she finds Jacob with his horse.  She pauses for a few seconds and watches the boy.  "Jacob?"


The boy turns and looks at her.  "Hi."


"Michael said he thought you were out here.  Why in the world did you come out here by yourself this early in the morning?"  



"No reason.  Just felt like it,"  the boy replies.


"Honey, I'm afraid that's not good enough. Now

come on, I'll drive you back.  It's time for break-



"I'm not hungry."


"Well hungry or not, it's almost time for you to

get ready for school, so let's go."


"Do I have to go to school today?"  Jacob asks.


"Of course, you have to go to school today.  Jacob, what's going on with you?"


"Nothing.  I just don't wanna go to school.  I don't feel good."


"But you feel well enough to be out here with your horse at 7 o'clock in the morning, so you're going to school," Courtney says.  


"Fine,"  the boy says angrily, kicking the ground.  He walks past Courtney and out of the barn.  


"Jacob, wait a minute,"  Courtney says.   The boy stops and turns back to her.  Courtney walks over to her son.  "Sweety, what's wrong?  Last couple of days you've been acting......I dunno, like you're angry with the whole world.  Did something happen?  Has Michael been teasing you again?  Because if he has, I'll talk to Heather, and......"


"No,"  Jacob says.  "Michael's just.......he's always bragging about how he's gonna be famous and stuff.  Always rubbing it in my face, especially since he did that music video the other day."


"Oh, sweetheart, I'm sorry.  Jacob, I know that Michael has been bragging about his good fortune lately, but, this is really a huge thing for him.  Maybe if you would try to share in his happiness a little, maybe congratulate him, he wouldn't be so hard on you.  Have you even told Michael that you're happy for him?"





"Give it a try.  I know it's hard.  And, I can understand you being a little jealous.  Michael has been getting a lot of attention and praise around here lately.  But that doesn't mean that anyone in this family loves him any more than they love you."


"Yes it does,"  Jacob says.


"Why do you think that?"  Courtney asks.


"Because Michael's a real Ewing, and I'm not,"  the boy replies, then he turns and walks out of the barn.  Courtney walks out, and pauses as she watches Jacob walk to her car and get in.  Her heart is breaking for her son.  After all the abuse that Jacob had been through with his last adoptive family, the Reeds, she had hoped he would feel welcome and loved at Southfork, but instead he feels left out and like he's not a real part of the family.  Maybe Christopher's idea of legally adopting him is the best option, but Courtney knows there will be a problem with Chase..... or, God forbid, if the truth comes out that Chase's brother Joseph is really Jacob's father instead of Chase.  After hesitating for a moment, Courtney goes to her car and gets in, then she and Jacob drive off toward the house.

A Starbucks in Dallas....a short time later....

 Sue Ellen and Bum are meeting over coffee that morning at a Starbucks in Dallas, Sue Ellen looking over some papers Bum had brought to her.  "As you can see from my report, Jill hasn't given any indication at all that she's your spy, or that she's been in contact with Tripp McKay."


"Thank you, Bum,"  Sue Ellen says.  "This eases my mind considerably.  At least now we know, hopefully, that Jill isn't the one who's been giving company secrets to McKay.  Now the big question remains........who IS?"


"Sue Ellen, who had access to that information?"  Bum asks.  "I mean, that information that was leaked to McKay, besides you, John Ross, Christopher, Bobby, and Jill?"


"Well, Krystina was working at Ewing Oil for a while, but, I really don't see that she would spy for McKay."


"Anyone else?"  Bum asks.


"Only other person with access to the information was Janice, Bobby's secretary."


"Any chance the spy could be her?"


"I really wouldn't think so.  Janice has been with us for a long time, over five years, ever since Ewing Energies."


"Doesn't matter.  Especially if McKay is payin' her a lot of money, or if he has somethin' on her."


"But Janice.......Bum, I just don't see it,"  Sue Ellen says.  "She's been a very loyal employee."


"Why don't I check her out, just to make sure she isn't your spy?  That way, if she comes up clean, you can breathe easy knowin' it's not her.  But, if she IS guilty..........then you've got the person who's been giving Ewing Oil secrets to the enemy."


Sue Ellen looks at Bum and nods.  Could Janice really be their spy?  She wonders to herself.

Wentworth Industries....

 Jonathon Lord's secretary buzzes his office.  "Mr. Lord, John Ross Ewing is here to see you."


"Thank you, Vanessa.  Send Mr. Ewing in,"  Jonathon says.  He stands from his seat and walks over to the door as John Ross enters the office.   "John Ross, good to see you again."


"Thank ya, good to see you, too.  Man, that secretary of yours is quite the looker, itn't she?"


Jonathon smiles.  "Yes, she is."


"Jonathon, I wanna thank you for agreein' to meet with me again after I had to rush out of our last meetin'."


"No problem, John Ross, and congratulations on the birth of your daughter."


"Thank ya."


"Please, have a seat,"  Jonathon says, retaking his seat behind his desk.  John Ross takes a seat across from him.  "John Ross, after our first meeting, I had a chance to look over your proposal, and I also did a little research on your company and your family.  I've also had a couple of meetings with other oil companies here in Dallas who are wanting to have first use of Wentworth's new drill."


"And?"  John Ross asks.  "Have you reached a decision about who gets that new drill?"


"Yes, I have,"  replies Jonathon.   "John Ross, I've decided to accept

  your offer.  The drill is yours."


John Ross smiles.  "Jonathon, you just made the right decision.  This new drill is gonna be hugely profitable to both Ewing Oil and Wentworth Industries."


"I agree.  Well, I'll have my attorney draw up a bill of sale and a contract this afternoon, and we can sign tomorrow morning.  In the meantime, why don't we have a drink and a toast?"  Jonathon stands and goes to his bar.  He pours two glasses of scotch and hands one to a smiling John Ross.  "To a new partnership, and hopefully friendship, between Wentworth and Ewing," Jonathon says, raising his glass.


"To a new partnership, and to all that money this is gonna make for both of us,"  John Ross says as he and Jonathon toast.














Ewing Oil....later....

 Sue Ellen is working at her desk later when a knock sounds at her office door.  "Come in," she says.


Bobby walks into the office.  "Sue Ellen, I have those Hennessey contracts for you to look over and sign," he says, handing her some papers.


"Thank you, Bobby."


"Do you have a minute?"  He asks.


"Of course.  I always have time for you.  What's on your mind?"

 "Sue Ellen, I know how close you and Ann are, and, sometimes she shares things with you that she can't, or WON'T share with me," Bobby says.  "Now I'm not askin' you to betray her confidence or anything, but, has she talked to you about anything that's been bothering her lately?"


"I'm not sure what you mean," Sue Ellen says.


"Ann's been acting strange for quite some time now.  She was fine the day we we had the big fam'ly dinner at Southfork, but ever since then, she's acted even more nervous and quiet than she was before.  And did she tell you about Jimmy?"


"That she asked him to move off Southfork a few weeks ago?"  Sue Ellen asks.  "She did mention it."


"Well did she tell you why?"  Bobby asks.  


"Only that Jimmy was constantly bringing up the subject of Katherine Wentworth, and that was a sore subject for her."


"That's another thing I don't understand,"  says Bobby.  "After everything Katherine did to Ann, you would think she'd want that woman caught and sent to prison for the rest of her life, but instead, she acts like she never wants Katherine brought to justice."


"Bobby, what Ann went through at the hands of Katherine Wentworth was extremely traumatic for her," Sue Ellen says.  "She just wants to put it out of her mind and move on."


"But how can she?  I can't.  Jimmy can't."


"People handle trauma in different ways.  Your way is to have Katherine brought to justice.  Ann's way of handling this is to simply forget that Katherine ever existed, and to pray that she's gone for good."


"I suppose I can understand that she's been traumatized,"  says Bobby.  "But so have I, so has Jimmy and so have a lot of other people been traumatized or worse by Katherine and her children.  And I'm not gonna rest until she's found and made to pay for all the terrible things she's done to me, Jenna, Pam, Charlie, Ann, Jimmy, and whoever else she's hurt."


As Sue Ellen is about to say something, her cell phone rings on her desk.  "Hold on just a minute, Bobby," she says, walking back to the desk.  She picks the phone up and looks at it.  "It's Catlin," she says, answering the call.  "Hello, sweetheart," she says, then listens as Catlin speaks on the other end of the line.  "Oh, I see.  When?  Yes. Can you have lunch?  No, that's alright, I understand.  Alright, I'll see you at home this evening.  I love you.  Bye."  Sue Ellen puts her phone down, a look of worry on her face.


"Sue Ellen, is anything wrong?"  Bobby asks.  


"Catlin got a call from Jay Smithfield.  Peter Love had another court appearance, in which he agreed to take a plea bargain.  In exchange for him pleading guilty by reason of temporary insanity, the District Attorney has agreed not to seek the death penalty or life without parole.  Which means that Peter could be sent to a mental hospital instead of prison, and, if he's sent to prison after that, he could be eligible for parole in, I think, seven years."


"Coming up for parole doesn't mean he'll get it."


"No, but it's just the thought of the possibility of that monster being back on the streets one day."  Sue Ellen takes a seat at her desk and lets out a deep sigh.  "I know exactly how Ann feels.  I want this whole nightmare with Peter Love to just be OVER."

Westar Oil....

 Tripp is working at his desk at Westar when his cell phone rings.  Picking the phone up from the desk, he looks at it, then quickly answers.  "Jake, I hope you have some good news for me.  Yeah, we can meet.  Warren Park, fifteen minutes,"  Tripp says, then ends the call, hopeful that his private detective has finally found out something about the man who looks so much like Hunter.

Klyde Warren Park......a short time later....

Jake is waiting at Klyde Warren Park sixteen minutes later, when he sees Tripp walking toward him.  He walks over to meet his friend.


"Jake, what have you got for me?  Anything on this guy who looks like Hunter?"  Tripp asks.


"Oh, yeah,"  Jake replies.  "Tripp, yesterday after I left your apartment, I got a call from a friend of mine at the Dallas DMV.  That corvette you saw our guy drive away in........the driver applied for a tag and he applied under the name Hunter Carter McKay."


"But that's impossible,"  Tripp says.


"I agree.  But let me finish.  Our Hunter look-a-like had an appointment with the DMV, arranged by my friend there, so, when he showed up at 8:30 for that meeting, I was there.  I watched, and I followed him when he left."


"And?  Where'd he go?" Tripp asks.


"To a secluded area just outside of town. 

He met with someone there."


"Who?  Who'd he meet with, Jake?"


After a brief hesitation, Jakes reaches into his pocket and pulls out an envelope.  He hands it to Tripp.  "I took some photos.  It's all there."


Tripp opens the envelope and takes out several photos and looks at them.  A look of total shock comes over Tripp's face as he looks over the

pictures.  "No, this can't be," he says.  "What the hell?"


"That was this morning,"  Jake says.  "I had one of my guys follow our Hunter look-a-like, and he's still on his tail.  I followed the man he met with back to his place.  I know this comes as a shock, Tripp."


"Why?  Why the hell would he do this?  I was so sure John Ross Ewing was behind this.  But........Jeremy Wendell? My own grandfather?  Why would he hire some guy to masquerade as my dead brother?  Why would he do this to me, unless........."


"Unless what?"  


"Unless Hunter really is alive and Jeremy has known all along."


"Tripp, come on,"  Jake says.  "You know that's impossible.  Hunter is DEAD.  Whoever this other guy is who looks like him, obviously Jeremy Wendell hired him to mess with your mind, and make you think Hunter is alive.  The question is......why?"


 "I don't know,"  Tripp says.  "But I'm damned sure gonna find out, and when I see him........that old man is gonna wish he was back in prison."  Tripp turns and walks away from his friend.

Ewing Oil....

 Christopher is working at his desk when a knock sounds at his office door.  "Come in," he says.


Sue Ellen walks into the office.  "Christopher, can I have a word?"


"Sure, come on in.  I thought you'd gone to lunch."


"I wanted to talk to you, but I needed to wait until Bobby and Janice left for lunch."


"Why, what's goin' on?"  Christopher asks, standing to his feet.


"First, you have to promise me that what's said here, stays between us,"  Sue Ellen says.  


"Sounds serious."


"It could be."


"Alright.  But, look, I really don't like keeping any secrets from my Dad."


"I don't want Bobby to know about this until we have more information.  But I needed someone I can trust to be in on this."


"What is it?"  Christopher asks.  


"I've been having Bum tail Jill for the past few weeks.  Gathering information about where she goes, who she sees.  I wanted to find out once and for all if she was our spy."


"No.  Aunt Sue Ellen, please don't tell me you found out that Jill really is our spy."


"No,"  Sue Ellen says.  "In all that time, Jill did nothing suspicious or had any contact with Tripp McKay."


"Well that's good."


"I have a new suspect in mind.  Who else had access to all the information that was leaked to Tripp McKay, besides you, me, Bobby, and John Ross?  And it's pretty evident that none of us would've leaked that information on deals Ewing Oil had in the works.  And we had the office checked for bugs and none were found.  So, that leaves only one person."


"The only other person besides us who could've known about deals we were working on was........"  Christopher pauses and looks at his aunt.  "Oh my God, it can't be.  Janice?"


"Who else?"


"But she's been with us for so long."


"If I'm right, and Janice is our spy, this wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened."


"What do you mean?"  Christopher asks.


"Many years ago, before you and John Ross were born, J.R. had a very loyal secretary who had been with the company for many years.  Her name was Julie Grey, and, in fact, she had been Jock's secretary before she was J.R.'s.  But then, Julie betrayed Ewing Oil by turning spy for Cliff Barnes, giving him some information that could have caused a lot of problems for Jock, J.R., and your father.  So, how long someone has worked for a company is no guarantee that they will remain loyal, especially when they're paid to turn traitor."


Christopher sighs.  "So how do we find out?"


"We trap her.  We let her hear us discussing a very important deal, but, instead of one of our big deals, we'll let Janice hear about one that we can afford to lose.  If Westar steals that deal from under us......."


"Then we'll know for sure that Janice is our spy,"  Christopher says.  


"That's right."


Christopher nods.  "Okay.  Yeah, let's do this."


Sue Ellen smiles, then she and Christopher shake hands on their scheme.

Jeremy Wendell's penthouse....

 Jeremy Wendell's butler, William, opens the door of Jeremy's penthouse apartment, and Tripp barges in.  "Where's Jeremy, is he here?"  Tripp asks, pushing his way past the butler into the apartment.  


"Mr. McKay, no, I'm sorry, but your grandfather is not here,"  William says.


"I don't believe you.  I know he came back here after a secret meeting he had this morning, and I'm not leaving here until I see him.  So where is he?"


"I assure you, Mr. Wendell isn't here."


"You're lying, William,"  Tripp says.  He pushes past the elderly butler and heads down the hall to Jeremy's office.


"Mr. McKay, you cannot go in there, Mr. Wendell is NOT here,"  William says, following behind him.  


Meanwhile, in Jeremy's office, Katherine is sitting by the fire reading when she hears a commotion in the hallway outside.......William's voice arguing with another man.  Realizing that someone was coming, Katherine quickly gets up from her seat, and attempts to rush to the stairs to get out of sight, but before she is able to do so, the door bursts open and Tripp rushes into the office, immediately coming face to face with Katherine!  


"Who the hell......."  Tripp starts to ask, then he recognizes her.  "Oh my God," he says in disbelief.  "I know who you are........you're Cliff Barnes's sister, Katherine Wentworth."


Katherine is left staring speech- lessly at her intruder!






John Ross's car pulls up on a street and comes to a stop in a parking space.  Getting out of the car, he walks up the side walk and to a building in a somewhat secluded area of Dallas.  Taking his phone from his pocket, he types and sends a text message to the person he is supposed to meet here.  A moment later, he looks at a man who steps out of the building.  John Ross smiles.  "Well?"  He asks.  "How'd it go?"


"It went fine.  He fell for it."


"Good, now that's what I like to hear,"  John Ross says.  He reaches into his inside jacket pocket and pulls out an envelope which he gives to the other man.  "That photographer friend of yours did a hell of a job with those photos, makin' it look like Jeremy Wendell was havin' secret meetings with the guy who looks exactly like Hunter McKay. And there's your payment,  just what we agreed on........a hundred grand, for now."




"I don't like doing this, Mr. Ewing,"  says Tripp's private investigator friend, Jake.  "I don't like doing this one bit."


"Jake, I don't recall askin' you if you LIKED this or not."


"Tripp McKay is an old friend, I've known him since high school."


"Well, then, Jake, you're free to pull outta this any time you like, but, before you do, you'd better decide which is more important.......your friend, or your freedom," John Ross says.  "Y'know, the state takes a REAL dim view of private detectives, or any 32-year-old man, for that matter, who likes to give drugs to and then mess with underage girls. So if you wanna keep that private investigator license of yours, and stay outta prison, you'll do exactly as I say."


"How much longer am I gonna have to do this?"  Jake asks.







"Until I decide it's time for you to stop,"  John Ross replies with a slight smile.  "Until then, Jake, just keep doin' what I'm payin' ya to do, and your secret will stay safe with me."  John Ross smiles at him.  "You have a nice day, now, and, uh, don't spend that all in one place."  Still smiling, he turns and walks away as Jake watches him.









Write a comment

Comments: 21
  • #1

    Parker Bena (Monday, 09 April 2018)

    Nice. Great episode. The Scumbag Quartet is going down. I hope Janice comes clean as well.

  • #2

    Brian (Monday, 09 April 2018 18:58)

    Love it all from beginning to end great stuff as always John

  • #3

    Ada Vincent (Monday, 09 April 2018 19:02)

    Wow what a twister

  • #4

    polly hicks (Monday, 09 April 2018 19:27)

    that was good. i really enjoyed that.

  • #5

    Kathy Eltzroth (Monday, 09 April 2018 19:45)

    Great episode John. Love it that Tripp is going down.

  • #6

    Linda Carman (Monday, 09 April 2018 20:56)

    Totally enjoyed the episode. You really have quite a talent John. Again, I love your writing but I am completely impressed with your ability to really form a visual picture of all the characters. I really do forget at times that I am reading and not actually watching. Bravo!

  • #7

    Nicola (Tuesday, 10 April 2018 02:07)

    Loved this episode, the Ewing’s coming out on top. Time for Janice to be caught.
    Poor Alex, what is with all his headaches?
    Hope Pamela finds out about Tripp blackmailing Justin to finish with her. She too could team up with John Ross against Tripp.

  • #8

    Julia Cherri (Tuesday, 10 April 2018 03:44)

    Oh John, I truly loved this episode and like always, I felt like I was right there with the family during all of it. I can see in my mind everything that is going on. I hope that Alex will be O.K. I sure hope that Janice will be caught. I am so happy that John Ross got the bid for the Wentworth drill. I only hope that Bobby and Christopher and Sue Ellen will not cause him a lot of problems. So glad that Katherine has been caught. Hope that Tripp will report her to the police before his grandfather returns to the house. Wonder how Ann will handle the news, if she gets the news, of Katherine's being found. Oh we have so much to look forward to in the next episode. Can hardly wait. Thank you so much for all your hard work, and May God Bless You Always and keep you safe.

  • #9

    Charlotte (Tuesday, 10 April 2018 05:39)

    Love the twist of the storyline. Great writing ! The only thing that puzzles me is the car. Knowing that this is the billionaires son you would think that he would buy more than a $23,000 car for him. When nowadays a lot of these kids are driving fancy Corvettes , Range rovers, and other expensive cars. It’s sort of made the story at that point sound a little cheap. Otherwise I love the storyline Janice being the tattletale.

  • #10

    Verena (Tuesday, 10 April 2018 07:06)

    Oh, Katherine has been caught! I wonder what she will come up with to get out of this situation. After all, she and Tripp have some enemies in common, so an evil cooperation might be possible. Thank you, John, great work.

  • #11

    Chris (Tuesday, 10 April 2018 08:27)


    I really like the fact that John Ross has set Jeremy up, another great episode!

  • #12

    francis stricker (Tuesday, 10 April 2018 09:09)

    I like how you ended a close song feels like Dallas is back on tv

  • #13

    Parker Bena (Tuesday, 10 April 2018 10:53)

    I have an idea. maybe Bridget can become the latest Miss Young Dallas. Just don't bring back that slimeball Alex Ward.

  • #14

    Janie Fleischer (Tuesday, 10 April 2018 11:50)

    Loved this episode. Like always I never knew what was going to happen next. I hope Katherine gets put away and her daughter. I am still upset with Ann telling Jimmy to move out of SF I am not liking her to much right now. Thank you for all you time and talent that you share with us all.

  • #15

    LaVince Pruitt (Tuesday, 10 April 2018 16:24)

    John, another masterpiece. We appreciate your talents and hard work!

  • #16

    Steven (Tuesday, 10 April 2018 20:24)

    Good job again

  • #17

    Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 11 April 2018 21:49)

    @Janie Fleischer, I hope that Katherine gets put away too. But the one thing that is going to save her is the fact that she knows the true paternity of Baby Logan Chase, and that means Ann could either end up in the hot seat herself, or her secret gets out. Either way she is screwed. I'm not liking the fact that she kicked Jimmy off of Southfork either, and then she didn't talk to Bobby before she did it. Yeah, Ann is definitely not very popular these days.

  • #18

    Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 11 April 2018 22:15)

    @Nicola: Yeah, I know what you mean. John Ross was awesome in this one, no doubt about it. First getting the car, although he definitely could have bought a more expensive one, that's the thing about being a billionaire. Then he bought the drill from Wentworth Industries, and then he used Tripp McKays own private investigator against him. Him and Jake made McKay look crazy, and delusional. In the end, John Ross and his photographer friend set up Jeremy Wendell to take the fall. That's absolutely brilliant! Janice is going down, no doubt about it. And if she doesn't help them turn the tables on McKay, with the Ewings money, power, resources, and influence, they can make sure she never gets a tip not only in Dallas, but the state of Texas.

  • #19

    Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 11 April 2018 22:24)

    And yeah, it could get really bad for Tripp McKay if Pamela and John Ross start working together. But even with that said, John Ross is doing this for his younger brother, not for Pamela. He doesn't give a damn about trouble about her, but anybody who messes with a member of the Ewing family, their asses are dead. Tripp McKays karma is already starting.

  • #20

    Derek Mathews (Thursday, 12 April 2018 06:34)

    I hope to god Peter Love doesn't get out with parole! That would be very frightening at the end of the day, especially since Sue Ellen had to go through that crazy, emotional, and exhausting murder trail. That would really make the Ewing family nervous.

  • #21

    Perry Cox (Monday, 23 April 2018 07:59)

    Finally the john Ross I knew he could be!!!! Make daddy proud of ya.